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The VP's Gambit (1 out of 8)

The VP's Gambit (1 out of 8)

Regular price €16.000,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €16.000,00 EUR
Sale Sold out

Hardo's M&A artwork celebrates all those who made it through those most coveted doors, and all those who after making it onto the big chess board of dealmaking used this background to finesse an even smoother future. The road to exits goes for founders and PE portco's as well as for the dealslingers of the Manhattan jungle.

This Kandinsky-inspired goodwill machine places dealmakers, rainmakers, mergers & acquistions movers & shakers on their rightful pedestal. What would the world be without them? 

Large artwork of 170x120 cm. Canson Infinity Archival pigmentprint on Platine Fibre RAG, under TruLife Museumglass. Ships in fireproof wooden crate. Don't take this lightly - the crate with artwork weighs >50kg. 

Conditions: Price increases with 11% with each sale - 1/10 starting at EUR 16K. No resale in first 24 months upon purchase. Eternal royalty of 9% upon any resales thereafter. 

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