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Bond vs $SPY - NYSE Royale (1 out of 007)

Bond vs $SPY - NYSE Royale (1 out of 007)

Regular price €16.000,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €16.000,00 EUR
Sale Sold out


Bond vs $SPY merges the world of James Bond with that of Equities vs Fixed Income. The iconic barrel James Bond shot shows the cold killer of your portfolio - as the blood starts dripping through your Excel sheets. And in the end, will Hardo rescue Hardess? 

The juxtaposing of Bond and Hardo as secret whale trader on Her Majesty's Secret Portfolio opens a world of open glorification of either lifestyle. Inside the barrels, alternating, are written quarterly standings for the S&P 500 and for Libor - since the birth of Hardo. And all James Bond films to date now have their special Hardo version, too. I guess there's just no time to taper... And Moonraker or Dealbreaker, the Yield is not Enough... 

Series of 007. 

Large artwork of 170x120 cm. Canson Infinity Archival pigmentprint on Platine Fibre RAG, under TruLife Museumglass. Ships in fireproof (have not tested 'bullet proof...') wooden crate. Very heavy stuff. 

Conditions: Price increases with 11% with each sale - 1/10 starting at EUR 16K. No resale in first 24 months upon purchase. Eternal royalty of 9% upon any resales thereafter. 

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